Harrison sound and workflow for motion-picture
The MPC5 is the ultimate digital console for motion-picture sound, trusted by prestigious facilities worldwide. It offers unlimited channel count, flexibility, scalability, and reliability. Harrison’s mixers and processing tools deliver stunning content for video and film. With the booming demand for audio content creation for video and film, driven by streaming and subscription services, you need Harrison’s mixers and processing tools to deliver stunning content, our equipment will help you realize your creative vision. The MPC5 is a complete solution for motion-picture sound.
The MPC5 has ten touch-sensitive knobs per channel strip, rich displays, long-life switches, premium faders, and lavish center-section facilities. The MPC5 uses a new extruded aluminum frame with TFT waveform displays over every channel. The surface is highly configurable with an unlimited frame width. The massive DSP power available on the MPC5 is provided via Harrison’s Xrange DSP system. Many hundreds of channels are available along with Harrison’s industry-standard Film Monitoring system and multi-operator IKIS Automation platform.
Key Features
Large Format – MPC5 configurations can range anywhere from small footprints such as 24 and 32-fader frames all the way up to multi-frame, multi-operator systems in the 96 to 144-fader with 2 or 3-master section range.
Multi-Operator Partitioning – Large format systems require sophisticated software to allow multiple operators to work freely and independently while still working within a single large format architecture. The MPC5 provides just that level of complex control and flexibility.
Advanced “Heads Up” TFT Displays – Each channel strip in the MPC5 has a TFT GUI strip associated with it. These elaborate displays are a perfect “heads up” solution for seeing a wide variety of critical console information across a very large console footprint while keeping an eye on the picture. The MPC5 console system has refined these features over the last 20 years to provide a streamlined overview.
Massive DSP Power – The MPC5 Xrange DSP system is designed to provide a scalable signal processing system that provides specific solutions for large format applications. 100’s of channels along with specialized post-production tools are available for cleaning up a wide variety of troublesome signal sources and an unmatched routing/monitoring infrastructure can be configured to match any configured monitoring setup.
Post Specific Features – The MPC5 console provides a set of illusive control tools that are often overlooked by other large format systems. Motorized joystick panners, panning mode and interfaces to handle every possible surround format, Pec Direct switching panels, wide format summing matrices, and specialized speaker format controls are all provided to specifically solve common problems found in large format post-production facilities.
Great Sound – Finally, a large format console must provide a sound quality that is unmatched. The MPC5 provides exactly that. The MPC5 is the direct descendant of a decade’s long development effort across a wide spectrum of Harrison consoles both analog and digital. Preserving the classic sound of early console designs while providing unparalleled scale and flexibility in a digital footprint has been at the forefront of the Harrison engineering philosophy since its inception.